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   date  title Series
Icona  08-07-15  Report on tourism in Tuscany. The 2014 trend Rapporti e ricerche
Icona  03-07-15  The knot obstructing the Land Registry’s reform Articoli
Icona  03-07-15  The economic situation of Tuscany. Financial statement for the year 2014. Forecasts for 2015-2016 Rapporti e ricerche
Icona  02-07-15  Public finance and local development in a time of crisis Articoli
Icona  16-06-15  Local public transport: less resources for higher efficiency Rapporti e ricerche
Icona  13-06-15  First- and Second-Tier Cities in Regional Agglomeration Models Articoli
Icona  11-06-15  Numero Toscana n. 49 Numero Toscana
Icona  20-05-15  The reform of ISEE and its effects on scholarships granted through the Right to University Education in... Rapporti e ricerche
Icona  15-05-15  Local labour systems: do they constitute a good basis for territorial policies? Articoli
Icona  11-05-15  Job specializations and training skills in Tuscany. Planning tools for educational supply Rapporti e ricerche
Icona  08-05-15  Anticipating needs: the results of a survey on dynamic Tuscan firms Rapporti e ricerche
Icona  04-05-15  Toscana Notizie - Flash LAVORO n. 24/2015 Flash LAVORO
Icona  23-04-15  Federalismo in Toscana n. 2/2015 Federalismo in Toscana
Icona  01-04-15  How to implement a dual-training system: national context and Tuscan peculiarities Fuori collana
Icona  30-03-15  The impact of the 2007-2013 Structural and Cohesion Funds on Tuscan economy Rapporti e ricerche
Icona  27-03-15  Local and transnational relations of Prato’s Chinese enterprises, and their contribution to the province’s... Rapporti e ricerche
Icona  12-03-15  What if reform of local self-government goes through resource cutbacks? Articoli
Icona  03-03-15  Low external competitiveness: is this the real problem of Tuscany?
New Year’s Conference, 3 March 2015
Rapporti e ricerche
Icona  02-03-15  Numero Toscana n. 48 Numero Toscana
Icona  25-02-15  Economic and working conditions of women. Report 2014 Studi e Approfondimenti
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Responsabile contenuti: S. Salvucci