Event 03-07-2015

Rapporti: La situazione economica della Toscana e Il Mercato del lavoro in Toscana

IRPET and Unioncamere Toscana present the reports:
The economic situation of Tuscany and the Labour market in Tuscany
Reports: The economic situation of Tuscany and the Labour market in Tuscany

Is this the end of descent?

The long recession that has affected the whole country and, less strongly, the regional economy of Tuscany, has ceased for this region in 2014.Two-thousand fifteen should be the year that marks the recovery of the economic and occupational cycles. Demand will be supported again by exports, which prove to be the most dynamic component of the economy.
The first signs of improvement are already visible, for example in the labour market, where they are partly the effect of the recruitment incentives contained in the Stability Law. However, prudence is called for here, if only given the uncertain international context.
Although we still have much ground to make up, we should also emphasize the greater resilience of the Tuscany’s economic and social fabric as compared to the rest of the country.
These suggestions are developed in the two Reports on the economic situation and on the labour market of Tuscany, which certainly provide an opportunity to debate and reflect on regional development.

Time: 10.00/13.30

Venue: Auditorium di Santa Apollonia
Via San Gallo 25, Firenze

Downloadable material
Vedi documento formato pdfPresentazione di Leonardo Ghezzi e Nicola Sciclone IRPET
Vedi documento formato pdfPresentazione di Riccardo Perugi - Unioncamere Toscana
Vedi documento formato pdfProgramma scaricabile
Vedi documento formato pdfRapporto sul mercato del lavoro
Vedi documento formato pdfRapporto sulla situazione economica
Vedi documento formato pdfSintesi del Rapporto sul mercato del lavoro in Toscana
Vedi documento formato pdfSintesi della Rapporto sulla Situazione Economica della Toscana

Press Releases
 03-07-2015  - Il punto di vista di Andrea Sereni - Presidente Unioncamere Toscana
 03-07-2015  - Rapporto IRPET-Unioncamere Toscana

Press Review
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