Event 25-08-2015

ERSA 55th Congress - World Renaissance: Changing roles for people and places

Copertina - CoverThe following IRPET researchers will participate:
- Chiara Bocci with the report "Do export promotion programs work? An evaluation with sequences of multiple treatments" coauthored with Marco Mariani (IRPET) and Marika Macchi (University of Florence);
- Giuseppe Gori with the report "A Macroeconomic Impact Assessment of the 2007-2013 EU Cohesion Policy in Tuscany" coauthored with Patrizia Lattarulo (IRPET).

For more information World Renaissance: Changing roles for people and places.

Venue: ISEG - Lisboa School of Economic & Managment

Downloadable material
Vedi documento formato pdfPresentazione di Chiara Bocci, Marco Mariani (IRPET) e Marika Macchi (Università di Firenze).