Event 24-09-2015

XXVII Conferenza SIEP 2015- Public Policies in Financial Crisis

Copertina - CoverThe following IRPET researchers will intervene:
Sabrina Iommi , in the session "Fragmentation and institutional planning" with the report "The avoidable costs of local government in Italy. An assessment of municipal budgets" coauthored with Donatella Marinari.

Patrizia Lattarulo, in the session "Local finance and the reform of public administration" with the report "Local tax: a comparison of hypotheses" coauthored with Alessandro Petretto (University of Florence).

For more information SIEP

Venue: Università degli studi di Ferrara

Downloadable material
Vedi documento formato pdfPresentazione di Patrizia Lattarulo
Vedi documento formato pdfPresentazione di Sabrina Iommi