Event 05-02-2016

An evolving training system

Copertina - Cover

The high quality of educational and professional training and how they interact with the labour market constitute part and parcel of a proactive labour policy and represent a building block to achieve sustainable and sustained growth. This issue does not just concern education but also professional training. The Region intends to provide youth and unemployed with an educational offering that enable them to approach the world of work. The main lines of action for such a plan of reform, in which also school education is immediately concerned, are identified in professional training, because of the size of the resources involved and the subjects targeted, but most of all given the goal of extensively improving the competencies of the working population. The programming of the European Development Fund (2014-2020) sets up a new, more work-oriented governance model, that will serve the training needs required by the labour market. This conference will illustrate the characteristics of the reform plan and the path for implementing the supply of professional training.

Time: 10.30/13.00

Venue: Sala Pegaso, Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati Presidenza della Giunta regionale della Toscana Piazza Duomo 10, Firenze

Downloadable material
Vedi documento formato pdfPresentazione di Elena Cappellini,Silvia Duranti e Natalia Faraoni
Vedi documento formato pdfPresentazione di Paolo Baldi
Vedi documento formato pdfPresentazione Nicola Sciclone
Vedi documento formato pdfProgramma scaricabile