Event 21-04-2016

XIX National Congress - Italian Evaluation Association (Associazione Italiana di Valutazione - AIV)

Copertina - CoverThe Italian Evaluation Association organizes its XIX National Congress. Silvia Duranti (IRPET) will take part in the session “Monitoring and evaluating the effects of structural funds” with a presentation on The ability to absorb the cohesion funds: an analysis of determinants for the Tuscan municipalities, edited in collaboration with Patrizia Lattarulo and Letizia Ravagli (IRPET).

Time: giornate intere

Venue: Sapienza Università di Roma

Downloadable material
Vedi documento formato pdfPresentazione di Silvia Duranti, Patrizia Lattarulo e Letizia Ravagli
Vedi documento formato pdfProgramma scaricabile