Event 05-05-2016

Internal seminar on “Expenditure restraint policies in the health sector: The case of the Regional Technical Administrative Support Authorities (ESTAV) in Tuscany”

Copertina - CoverCarlo Fiorio and Andrea Riganti (University of Milan) will be the keynote speakers.

The restraint of expenses on goods and services has been a crucial topic in the health sector, and in the last twenty years all Italian Regions have tried different approaches to control it. The Tuscany Region has been the first in Italy to introduce three wide-area authorities (ESTAV) in charge of the “procurement of goods and services”, which are instrumental to a centralized purchasing policy aiming at the improvement of savings and efficiency.

Time: 14.30

Venue: Sala Riunioni "Giuliano Bianchi". Sede IRPET

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