Event 23-08-2016

ERSA 56th Congress. Cities & Regions: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive?

Copertina - CoverThe following IRPET researchers will take part:
- Giuseppe Gori in the session “Infrastructure, transport, communications for mobile regions” with the report Tackling the issue of quality and completeness of feasibility studies of public investment projects. An operational approach, coauthored with Patrizia Lattarulo and Stefano Rosignoli (IRPET);
- Marco Mariani in the session “Counterfactual methods for regional policy evaluation” with the report Evaluating the impact of innovation poles on member firms, coauthored with Simone Bertini, Chiara Bocci (IRPET) and Annalisa Caloffi (University of Padua).

More information at the Conference website

Venue: Vienna, Austria

Downloadable material
Vedi documento formato pdfPresentazione di Giuseppe Gori, Patrizia Lattarulo, Stefano Rosignoli
Vedi documento formato pdfPresentazione di Simone Bertini, Chiara Bocci, Annalisa Caloffi, Marco Mariani