Publication of 21-01-2013

Mode choice analysis of mobility in Florence. A choice experiment

Series: Studi e Approfondimenti

Copertina - Cover This paper presents the results of a choice experiment intended to evaluate the preferences of transport users who move for studying and working reasons in the Florentine area. After a first review of choice experiments and discrete choice multinomial models, the case study is illustrated, considering in details: the suggested experimental plan; the choice experiment administered; the results of the estimations obtained from the discrete choice models on the collected data. The findings demonstrate the presence of some choice rigidities, and the ensuing difficulty of making the users shift from one typology of transport to another by pointing to the costs and commuting times of the transport means

Author: Rossella Berni, Fabrizia Mealli

TAGS: choice experiments, mixed fractional factorial design, discrete choice multinomial models, Florentine area

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