Publication of 17-09-2013

The Observatory on Fiscal Federalism in Tuscany. Notes and contributions

Series: Rapporti e ricerche

Copertina - Cover Following the approval of Delegation Law No. 42/2009, implementing article 119 of the Constitution on fiscal federalism, the Tuscany Region has set up an Observatory with the task of monitoring the legal evolution of the transposition measures, while evaluating their possible impact on regional contexts, territorial administrations and, last but not least, citizens.

The present volume is a chronological collection of the studies carried out by the Observatory, which have thoroughly examined and disseminated the main topics of the reform process, and specifically the effects it produced – or should have produced in its non-implemented parts – on Tuscany’s regional and local administrations. On the whole, the work does not merely picture the scenarios resulting from the applicative decrees, but it also formulates practical proposals aimed at improving, completing or amending single aspects of the reform process.

Author: A cura di Luigi Idili, Alessandro Petretto e Nicola Sciclone
Contributi dei ricercatori IRPET: Silvia Duranti, Claudia Ferretti, Leonardo Ghezzi, Sabrina Iommi, Patrizia Lattarulo, Letizia Ravagli, Stefano Rosignoli

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