Publication of 03-02-2014

Report on Tuscany’s Labour Market for the year 2013

Series: Rapporti e ricerche

Copertina - Cover In 2013, even if holding up well compared to the macroeconomic trends, the labour market has further weakened. In fact, the stage of gradual recovery occurred in 2010, and lasted until the first few months of 2011, has been too weak to counterbalance the effects of the 2008-2009 recession. The subsequent sovereign debt crisis, observed from mid-2011, has thus intervened in an already weakened framework, emphasizing its vulnerabilities. The 2013 Report on the labour market combines the traditional statistical sources on stocks (employed, unemployed, and so on) and the information on the firms flows (start-ups, cessations, changes, and so on) drawn from the mandatory communications employers are required to send to employment offices.
All these gathered information, properly selected and arranged, is then used to decode Tuscan labour market’s state of health, to examine which kind of professional competencies are in demand, to evaluate the impact of Law n. 92 of 28 June 2012 (the so-called Fornero’s law) and to consider carefully the actions that are needed to increase employability in general, and for the younger generation in particular.

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Author: coordinamento di Nicola Sciclone;
gruppo di lavoro: Elena Cappellini, Silvia Duranti, Tommaso Ferraresi, Leonardo Ghezzi, Sabrina Iommi,Donatella Marinari, Sergio Pacini, Valentina Patacchini, Letizia Ravagli

Downloadable material
Scarica allegato formato pdfSintesi del rapporto
Scarica allegato formato pdfPresentazione di Nicola Sciclone
Scarica allegato formato pdf Rapporto sul mercato del lavoro - anno 2013 (volume a stampa)