Publication of 07-05-2014

The sustainability of an universal model of coverage against the risk of non self-sufficiency

Series: Articoli

Copertina - Cover The general aim of this article is to go into the scientific and political debate on how to revise our welfare system, which increasingly appears to have difficulties in balancing the growing demand of services and the diminishing availability of public resources.
Specifically, this work focuses on the care demand for elderly people who are not self-sufficient, and suggests an economically and socially sustainable model of reorganization of public intervention and its financing system.
The model developed aims to bring together three different objectives: to enlarge the public of beneficiaries, to increase the supply of services, and to create employment.

Published on Prospettive sociali e sanitarie n. 2 2014

Correlative event and article

LE SFIDE DEL WELFARE - La sostenibilità di un modello universale di copertura contro il rischio di non autosufficienza

The sustainability of an universal model of coverage against the risk of non self-sufficiency

Author: Elena Cappellini, Tommaso Ferraresi, Sabrina Iommi, Letizia Ravagli, Nicola Sciclone (IRPET) e Paolo Francesconi, Matilde Razzanelli (ARS)