Publication of 28-05-2014

The sustainability of an universal model of coverage against the risk of non self-sufficiency

Series: Studi e Approfondimenti

Copertina - Cover The contributions in the present work analyze the care system for non self-sufficient elderly, providing data as well as cues for the political and social debate about the modalities to reorganize our social welfare.
The work contains three different contributions: the first, which particularly refers to the Tuscan case, puts forward a model for the reorganization of the care service and its financing system, offering suggestions on how to find the necessary resources and estimating its impact in terms of added employment; the second contribution compares the regional policies for non self-sufficiency in four Central-Northern Italian regions (Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto and Lombardy); finally, the third contribution presents a short selected review of long-term care systems in the main European countries.

© IRPET, Maggio 2014
ISBN 978-88-6517-058-8

Correlative event and article

LE SFIDE DEL WELFARE - La sostenibilitą di un modello universale di copertura contro il rischio di non autosufficienza

The sustainability of an universal model of coverage against the risk of non self-sufficiency

Author: Coordinamento di Sabrina Iommi e Nicola Sciclone;
contributi di: Elena Cappellini, Tommaso Ferraresi, Letizia Ravagli, Cristiano Gori, Giselda Rusmini, Natalia Faraoni, Paolo Francesconi, Matilde Razzanelli

TAGS: sustainability

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