Publication of 13-06-2014

Report on tourism in Tuscany. The 2013 trend

Series: Rapporti e ricerche

Copertina - Cover The year 2013 appears to have undergone substantial stagnation as regards tourism in Tuscany, mainly due to two opposing dynamics. There has been an increase in the number of foreign visitors, while Italian tourists have decreased even more significantly. However, given that the major share of tourists are foreigners, on the whole the balance breaks even.
Once again, a comment on this tourist year must consider a two-sided situation. On the one hand, Tuscany seems perfectly capable of responding to international demand, and on the other hand, the even deeper economic and social consequences of the crisis are causing a huge slackening of internal tourism demand.

Osservatorio regionale del turismo in Toscana

Correlative event

Author: A cura di IRPET e Regione Toscana - Settore Sistemi informativi e servizi - Ufficio Regionale di Statistica Rapporto redatto da Enrico Conti; box 2.2 Elena Cappellini e Donatella Marinari; elaborazioni statistiche Massimo Donati

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Scarica allegato formato pdf Rapporto sul turismo in Toscana. La congiuntura 2013