Publication of 23-04-2015

Federalismo in Toscana n. 2/2015

Series: Federalismo in Toscana

Copertina - Cover In this issue:

- Local Authorities:“The reorganization of local autonomies in Tuscany: Regional Law No. 22/2015” by Sabrina Iommi (IRPET)

- Local Authorities: “The new Provinces and the centrality of public investments” by Franco Osculati (University of Pavia)

- Local Authorities: “The reorganization of Provinces: which wide-area authority for future administration?” by Ruben Cheli (UPI-Toscana)

- Local Authorities: “The Metropolitan City of Florence: its functions and resources” by Rocco Conte (Metropolitan City of Florence)

- Europa: “The reorganization of metropolitan areas at European level, with a focus on the French case” by Giancarlo Pola (University of Ferrara) and Vittorio Ferri (Éupolis Lombardia)

- Activities and News: “Initiatives”, “Publications”

Author: IRPET - Regione Toscana - Direzione Generale Organizzazione e Risorse - Settore Politiche Tributarie

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