Publication of 11-05-2015

Job specializations and training skills in Tuscany. Planning tools for educational supply

Series: Rapporti e ricerche

Copertina - Cover The present document is intended to provide useful, relevant information for an efficient planning of educational supply. To this end, an analysis has been carried out of the job specializations required at territorial level, which were then matched with the training skills surveyed for the school year 2014-2015.

Author: Silvia Duranti, coordinamento di Nicola Sciclone
Gruppo di lavoro: Enrico Conti, Valentina Patacchini, Donatella Marinari

TAGS: education, production chains

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Scarica allegato formato pdf Le specializzazioni produttive e formative in Toscana. Strumenti per la programmazione dell'offerta formativa