Publication of 16-06-2015

Local public transport: less resources for higher efficiency

Series: Rapporti e ricerche

Copertina - Cover Local public transport has long been the object of a complex reform process directed at reducing the costs and improving the supply of services. The strategy proposed at European level is competition on the market, similarly to other local public services. Tuscany has been one of the first regions to actually implement the process. The experiment of a unique bidding system is currently under way, so it might represent a relevant case study on the possible effects of reform. Although not over yet, the competitive bid has already entailed some important transformations in the system of local public transport, starting processes of business integration, consolidation of operators by way of shareholding, and cost efficiency.

Author: a cura di Mauro Massaro e Leonardo Piccini, con il coordinamento di Patrizia Lattarulo responsabile dell’Area Economia pubblica e territorio dell’IRPET.

TAGS: public transport, road transport

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