Publication of 03-07-2015

The economic situation of Tuscany. Financial statement for the year 2014. Forecasts for 2015-2016

Series: Rapporti e ricerche

Copertina - Cover In 2014, the second recession of the so-called “double dip” started in 2008 seems to have come to an end. However, this is not recovery yet, since in the course of last year the increase in the gross product of Tuscany has been basically null, while the rest of the country has experienced a reduction again (-0,4%). Consequently, in 2014 our region has registered a greater stability than the rest of the country, repeating what has occurred over the whole course of the crisis. Even if disturbing, the decrease of gross product, employment and investments started in 2008 has been decidedly smaller in Tuscany as compared to most regions. The forecasts for the period ahead seem to suggest – with due cautions, given the many and growing uncertainties still present in the global scenario – a return to economic recovery, but on the basis of rates not high enough to allow overcoming all the difficulties raised by the most severe crisis of post-WWII history. According to the estimates made in this report, the gross product of Tuscany should grow by +1.2% in 2015, and an additional +1.0% in 2016, principally thanks to the driving force of foreign demand.

Author: Il Rapporto è frutto della collaborazione fra l’Ufficio Studi di Unioncamere Toscana ed IRPET, con il coordinamento di Riccardo Perugi (Unioncamere Toscana) e Leonardo Ghezzi (IRPET). Il gruppo di lavoro è formato da: Simone Bertini, David Burgalassi, Elena Cappellini, Stefano Casini Benvenuti, Tommaso Ferraresi, Leonardo Ghezzi, Renato Paniccià e Agnese Peruzzi per IRPET; Andrea Cardosi, Cristina Marullo e Riccardo Perugi per Unioncamere Toscana

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