Publication of 10-07-2015

Federalismo in Toscana n. 3/2015

Series: Federalismo in Toscana

Copertina - Cover In this issue:

- Local Authorities: “The harmonized accounting system for Municipalities and the control of public finance” by Alessandro Petretto (University of Firenze)

- Local Authorities: “The Euro-compatibility of balance and the new accounting system: a proposal for a two-legged stability pact” by Massimiliano Ferraresi (University of Ferrara) and Leonzio Rizzo (University of Ferrara & IEB, Barcelona)

- Local Authorities: “The test the new harmonized accounting system by Municipalities” by Andrea Taddei (Assessor for the Budget, Municipality of Empoli)

- Local Authorities: “The Court of Auditors’ control of local finance in Tuscany” by Paolo Peluffo and Susanna Fornaciari (Court of Auditors of Tuscany)

- Europe: “The fiscal rules of the European Union: straightjacket or guiding star?" by Giancarlo Pola (Eupolis Lombardia)

- Activities and News: “Initiatives”, “Publications”

Author: IRPET - Regione Toscana - Direzione Generale Organizzazione e Risorse - Settore Politiche Tributarie

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