Publication of 31-07-2015

Report on Tuscany’s Labour Market for the year 2014

Series: Rapporti e ricerche

Copertina - Cover So, finally jobs are back: during the first quarter of 2015 there has been an increase in the number of employed and a corresponding reduction in the amount of unemployed people.
The balance between hirings and dismissals for structured employment relations (open-ended, temporary, staff leasing and apprenticeship contracts) is also positive and higher than in the first quarter of 2014. Besides, this value is the highest registered since 2009. The improvement observed is due to the increase in the movements of the labour market: the total volume of hirings has grown, overtaking that of dismissals. The reactivation of the job market can also be ascribed to the measures settled by the Stability Law, allowing recruitments with open-ended contracts on a contribution-free basis. However, this new scheme is not sufficient to counterbalance what has been left behind in recent years.
By and large, it seems that a definite trend reversal of the occupational cycle requires additional improvements of the macroeconomic framework and, most of all, a consolidation of the positive growth dynamics detected in the first three months of the current year.

© IRPET, 2015
ISBN 978-88-6517-067-0

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Author: A cura di Nicola Sciclone.
Hanno collaborato: David Burgalassi, Silvia Duranti, Natalia Faraoni, Tommaso Ferraresi, Donatella Marinari, Sergio Pacini, Valentina Patacchini, Letizia Ravagli.

TAGS: labour market, Jobs Act, Stability Law

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