Publication of 08-09-2015

Investment strategies in territorial development policies linked to culture and tourism. The investments in culture, tourism and trade in Tuscany for the 2007-2013 programming period

Series: Rapporti e ricerche

Copertina - Cover This work offers an estimation of the cultural sector in Tuscany by determining the overall public investments with a survey of the expenditure on culture for the 2007-2013 programming period. The total amounts to 660 million Euros, which were financed jointly by European, national, regional and local funds, and used for 609 interventions in public infrastructures for culture, tourism and trade. Following their descriptive analysis that points out the distinctive characteristics in terms of thematic content, economic dimension and localization of projects, the work develops the analysis of the main drivers for the different investment choices, and finally estimates the impacts on medium-term job and income creation, and on the additional growth in tourist arrivals. A particular attention is paid to the effects related to the governance of investments, and firstly to the newly-introduced programming practices.

Author: a cura di Sabrina Iommi e Donatella Marinari, per l’Area Economia Pubblica e Territorio coordinata da Patrizia Lattarulo; Stefano Rosignoli ha collaborato per le stime input-output

TAGS: public investments, culture, tourism, Tuscany

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