Publication of 28-10-2015

Tuscan citizens’ awareness of the European Social Fund

Series: Rapporti e ricerche

Copertina - Cover he communitarian regulations set for the European Social Fund Communication and Information Plans require the assessment of the implementation state of actions and an evaluation of their effectiveness. This requirement is prompted by the need to verify the degree of awareness of European – and therefore Tuscan – citizens as regards the advantages deriving from the policy and Structural Funds of the European Community, and consequently the efficacy of the Communication Plans. For the programming period 2007-2013, the Tuscany Region drew up a Communication Plan that includes information and publicity measures differentiated according to the type of recipients. A survey aimed at assessing the efficacy of the 2007-2013 Communication Plan was conducted in 2011, and a similar one in 2015, so as to highlight the changes in the degree of knowledge about and visibility of the ESF. The present document reports the main results of the sample survey carried out in September 2015.

Author: a cura di Silvia Duranti, Area Irpet Lavoro, Istruzione, Welfare coordinata da Nicola Sciclone. Indagine campionaria svolta da EUREMA, sotto il coordinamento di Roberta Pini.

TAGS: communication, European Social Fund, Tuscany

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