Publication of 26-11-2014

Is it really impossible to change transport mode behaviours? An experiment for sustainable urban mobility

Series: Rapporti e ricerche

Copertina - Cover The cycling road world championship hosted in Florence in September 2013 offered a unique opportunity for testing a completely different mobility pattern from the usual one. The observation of individual behaviours during the event and the comparison with the customary behaviours of the same subjects allowed to analyze their adaptability to the changed circumstances caused by the big event and their willingness to shift mode of transport. Basically, the event provided the necessary analytical conditions for a natural experiment in which to examine individual behaviours. This work describes the event and the measures taken by the Municipality to smooth the initiative. It investigates the impact of the event on mobility, also looking at the effects of urban pollution. The survey confirms how people in Florence have a high propensity to use the car and find hard to change means of transport, notwithstanding the disincentives posed by local administration and the altered relative costs.

Author: a cura di Patrizia Lattarulo (IRPET), Valentino Masucci (Barcelona GSE), Maria Grazia Pazienza (Università di Firenze)
Il Par. 2.2 è stato curato da Tiziana Cecconi, Marco Stefanelli, Bianca Patrizia Andreini di ARPAT-Settore Centro Regionale Tutela Qualità dell’Aria.

TAGS: urban mobility, transport modes

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