Publication of 03-03-2016

Federalismo in Toscana n. 1/2016

Series: Federalismo in Toscana

Copertina - Cover In this issue:

- "The quality and thoroughness of feasibility studies as critical success factors for public investment projects in Italy"
by Giuseppe Francesco Gori (IRPET)

- "Problems and prospects concerning public economic evaluation"
by Marco Ponti (Polytechnic of Milan),

- "EU public investment strategies"
by Francesca Petrina e Claudio Virno (Experts)

- "Financing investments of local and territorial authorities: which tools and how to use them"
by Agnese Casolaro e Alessandro Panaro (SRM Intesa San Paolo)

- "The evaluation of Milan's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP): design process and decision-making support"
by Paolo Beria (Department of Architecture and Urban Studies at Polytechnic of Milan)

- Activities and News: "Initiatives", "Publications"

Author: IRPET - Regione Toscana - Direzione Generale Organizzazione e Risorse - Settore Politiche Tributarie

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