Publication of 29-06-2016

Report on the labour market for the year 2015

Series: Rapporti e ricerche

Copertina - Cover In 2015, the labour market situation has certainly improved, both in Tuscany and in Italy, even though recovery is still not enough to close the employment gap caused by crisis. Recovery is still fragile, not enough vigorous and not equally distributed among sectors, territories and workers. Also, only by the end of the “contribution relief” it will be possible to understand how much of such increase has been fuelled by the reduction in the cost of labour and how much is due to an economic upturn. At any rate, the recent measures had positive effects on the labour market, which is now less precarious and fragmented than in the past, as regards both the entry into employment and the increased rate of social security coverage. This year’s Report is devoted to an analysis of the above-mentioned trends and a detailed evaluation of the effects on growth and employment composition of the reduction in the cost of labour and the new regulations on redundancies (contained in the so-called Job Acts). As usual, the Report combines the analysis of stock data (on employed, unemployed, and active population) with that of flows (employment and startups) so as to provide an overview of the characteristics of labour demand and supply in terms of employment patterns, subjects, territories and demographic figures, and of the relationships among them.

Author: a cura di Nicola Sciclone
contributi di: David Burgalassi, Elena Cappellini, Silvia Duranti, Natalia Faraoni, Tommaso Ferraresi, Maria Luisa Maitino, Donatella Marinari, Valentina Patacchini, Letizia Ravagli

TAGS: Labour market

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